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Art and Design Intent

We aim to create a curriculum that stimulates creativity, imagination and inventiveness. The purpose of art education is to give pupils the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for them to express responses to ideas and experiences in a visual or tactile form by capitalising on their interests. It fires their imagination and is a fundamental means of personal expression.

Our children’s learning is enriched with opportunities to learn outside of the school through exploring the work of artists: expressing their opinions, thoughts and feelings. We encourage them to shine and show their strengths in Art and integrate this into the wider curriculum.

Art and Design Overview

Art and Design Pedagogy


Recap prior knowledge - from previous years or earlier on in the year.

Refer to the curriculum coverage sheet of the skill being taught and recap on some vocabulary.

Refer to a related artist work (substantive knowledge - theoretical), discussing skills and techniques used.

Practical session (substantive knowledge - practical).

Teacher modelling.

Disciplinary knowledge - children engage in dialogue about their own work and the work of their peers and compare their work with the related artist.


Key Vocabulary

This document details the key vocabulary that is taught throughout our Art and Design curriculum.

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