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Music Intent

We are dedicated to giving children a wide range of opportunities to learn and enjoy Music, engaging and inspiring pupils to develop a love of Music and their talent as musicians.  We believe in the value of Music to increase children’s self-confidence, resilience, creativity and sense of achievement which will encourage them to shine.

Learning is enriched with opportunities to learn outside of the school, as well as visits by people who share their expertise and talents. We also believe it contributes to the development of positive relationships between children, promoting a culture of respect.

Music Overview

Music Pedagogy

Recap vocabulary and introduce any new vocabulary.

Listen and appraise different songs, warm-up or flexible games, learn to sing a song, improvise with the song or compose the song then perform the song using either vocals and/or a musical instrument.

Key Vocabulary

This document details the key vocabulary that is taught throughout our music curriculum.

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